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14-Mar-25 03:27 AM EDT

Rules and Information on Contests

Current and Past Rules: click the link to download the file

1. 2021 56 Game NHL Survivor Pool…click here for pdf copy

2. 2017 NFL Survivor Pool…click here for pdf copy

General Information Documents: click the link to download the file

A. 2021 56 Game NHL Regular Season Schedule (Excel).

B. 2019-2021 NHL Players stats FINAL (Excel).

Generic Version of Rules and Regulations below. Not Sports Specific, and for identification purposes ONLY. Select a link above to get the binding rules and regulations for each contest offered.

Generic SSP Rules

Contest Rules and Regulations

1. Sole Survivor Pools is Open to any residents worldwide except where prohibited by local laws and governance. It is the sole responsibility of the individual who chooses to play Sole Survivor Pools, that they meet all the local and international qualifications to participate in this contest. Exceptions to open availability (not allowed to participate) are employees of Sole Survivor, , CI Fantasy Sports,, Cornerstone International, Sports Business interactive LLC, their assignees, licensees, and members of their immediate families living in the same household.

2. All entries will be accepted until the “Registration End Date” “Registration End Hour”. No entries will be accepted beyond that date and time. If you register prior to “Registration End Date”, you will have access to make selections and the ability to not take the admin pick for week one of the contest. To register with Sole Survivor Pools, we require that you develop a unique username and password per profile. Each profile will be required to have an email validated as functional prior to your profile being registered with our system. An email address may be used in one or more profiles if you wish. It is the sole responsibility of the individual to provide your full contact information in our system following the registration process. This information is not a requirement of registration but is a requirement for prize awards, verification, allocation and payouts. Failure to add all contact and verification information following the creation of your profile, will forfeit any rights to claim and prize category you qualify for.

3. No entry limitation per profile or person.

Terminology and Definitions pertinent to contest:

Contest – A contest is defined as a developed game of skill with a selection process with criteria that is specific to a sport or industry.  A contest may have a defined number of entrants/entries and or a group of brackets with or without individual prize pools.

Bracket – A bracket is a specific group or specified number of active entries that may or may not have it’s own prizes allocated to it. Brackets may be in one contest or in numerous contests. There may be numerous brackets to one contest, each consisting of its own entries and prize pool.

Profile – This is specific to ONE (1) unique person and consists of a unique username and password and a verifiable email address. A profile may or may not contain full contact information that may include full name, address, city, prov/state, postal/zip code/country ID, country, phone number (including country code) and any and all other relevant information as submitted, requested or offered by our website.

Contestant – A contestant is a profile holder, and has chosen to participate in a contest by submitting an entry. A contestant is the entry holder and is attached to a specific profile.

Entry – An entry is a single submission by a Contestant into one of the Brackets of one of our Contests. An online entry must be paid in advance of confirmation into the contest and bracket that the entry was created for. Contestants are allowed unlimited entries into any contest and any bracket they wish to participate in.

4Contest statistics are accumulated from the start of the Sports regular season “Regular Season Start Date”, and will continue to the last day of the regular season “Regular Season End Date”. Statistics are to be considered final from the day they are recovered, regardless of any subsequent changes made by any other reporting organization. Sole Survivor Pools will compile the statistics with or without the assistance of an outside statistical service. The contest statistics are adjusted at the sole discretion of Sole Survivor Pools. Statistics and rankings will be updated 24 to 48 hours post game completion and at any subsequent time deemed necessary by Sole Survivor All Inquiries on statistics require you to contact There is no phone or fax support from a live agent with Sole Survivor Pools. ONLY email inquiries will be answered within a 24 to 48 hour period. Statistics may take from 24 to 48 hours to enter the system, but in some instances because of the verification process, we may delay adding these statistics for up to 3 days from the time they have been completed and reported by other sources in the media, and the internet. All statistics will be applied to the date they have been accrued and verified with the “Sports League”.

5Prizing: Prizes will be awarded at the completion of the contest for the Top  entries. Ties for any of the contestants placing in the top 10 will be ruled under the aggregate process. The aggregate process states that if any contestant tie(s) for a placing, in any contest for any bracket we offer, then the total of all those tied placing’s will be added and then divided by the number of tied contestants and then dispersed equally among those tied. For example: 3 contestants tie for 4th spot. The 4th, 5th and 6th spots would be totaled and then divided by 3 and this would then be the pay out to each of those 3 contestants.

Total Prize Pool:  $500,000.00 US Dollars*.

Grand Prize/1st place:                             $315,000.00 USD (or 63% of Prize pool)

2nd Place:                                               $75,000.00 USD (or 15% of prize pool)

3rd Place:                                                $40,000.00 USD (or 8% of prize pool)

4th Place:                                                $15,000.00 USD (or 3% of prize pool)

5th Place:                                                $10,000.00 USD (or 2% of prize pool)

6th Place:                                                $  5,000.00 USD (or 1% of prize pool)

7th – 13th Place:                                     $  2,500.00 USD (or 3.5% of total prize pool divided by 7)

14th – 25th Place:                                   $  1,875.00 USD (or 4.5% of total prize pool divided by 12)

Grand Prize Award: In the event of a tie for the Grand Prize at the completion of the contest, the Grand Prize and any subsequent top 25 prizes that would be awarded to the tied grand prize winners will be totaled and divided evenly among the tied winners. Each Winner would then have an equal share of the Grand prize and any Top 25 prize they would qualify for.

Top 25 Prize Awards: In the event of a tie for any of the top 25 prizes, please refer to the sequence and explanation of the Grand prize award above. The same procedure will be followed. If the tied list goes beyond the 25 contestants awarded a prize, we will include those entries beyond the 25 and include them in the formula for pay out. No extra allocation in prize winning will be added to the calculation only contestants who qualify.

Example:  If 5 entries finish tied for 2nd place, each of the 5 would get an equal share of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th spot combined.

All Prize awards are determined by Sole Survivor Pools, CI Fantasy Sports, and Sports Business Interactive LLC. Ass a collaboration. Contestants will be contacted by the contest to notify them of their prize award and will arrange payment of such prize.

* If Less than 4,400 entries are in a bracket at a registration fee of $125.00 USD, at registration deadline, the prize payout schedule will alter to 90% of the registration fees accumulated for that bracket. The amounts will then be altered to reflect the same percentages outlined in the TOP 25 prize structure above.  If 4,401 or more entries are registered in the bracket at registration deadline the outlined payout schedule for the TOP 25 will apply. Prizing fee is calculated as Online registration fee ($125.00 USD)  exclusive of admin fee’s (TBD based on registration offers from partners and online ads). Prizing fee will never be less than $100.00 USD per entry for the sake of the prize award calculations regardless of no fee participation, offers and partner agreements.

6. A contestant may win any number of prize positions in a single contest or bracket. Prizing will be awarded to each entry that qualifies to win a prize.

7. All prizes must be accepted as awarded, no substitutes. By entering this contest you agree to the use of your name, address, photograph, and contest selections for publicity without compensation. Chances of winning are dependent upon skill used in picking selections and the total number of entries received. Contest Host, organizers, licensee’s, licensers and sponsors are not responsible for any injury incurred by a contestant as a result of winning or participating in the contest. For the purposes of the contest and awarding prizes, it is the sole responsibility of the contestant to inform Sole Survivor Pools of any discrepancy with his or her contest selections. There will be no compensation to any contestants for reasons of omission/ errors of Sole Survivor Pools, their assignees, and sponsors, and each contestant will be treated in this fashion.

8. If a selection is represented inaccurately, does not play a game or series, or any other reason or circumstance, but that selection remains on the entry form, it is the sole responsibility of the contestant if they choose to select even though the selection does not meet any conditions represented here but is represented on the selection form. No compensation is awarded for any mistakes or mis-representation of league inclusion information on the selection form/website.

9. The online registration process gives you access via a paid service through PayPal (Our Ecommerce provider). The charge for the online entry is $125.00 USD plus a $20.00 USD administration fee. This gives you the access to register and play the contest online. Paypal will accept payments via Credit Card, Debit card (independent of having an account with them), or by using an existing paypal balance to purchase this service. Please follow the direct purchase or PAY NOW links to make your payments. No FEE required to play this contest…..please see no fee entry process to follow.

10. PICK Selection Process:

Weekly PICK(s) selection – Each week a selection process must be completed by “Pick Selection Time” on each “Pick Selection Day”. The week starts on “Week Start Day” and ends with the “Week End Day”. Games are played on any day of the week between the week start day and week end day to qualify as a week for the contest. Online you may make all your selections in advance of any week if you wish, but the current week selection must be completed by “Pick Selection Time” of the current week you are required to play. Omission of picks will be ruled as a forfeit pick or as an Admin Pick. If you have already used the ADMIN Pick, your entry will be deemed to be in violation and your pick will be considered a loss and dead in the contest.

Selections will be time stamped by the online database and will be active according to that time and these rules. Internet Selections will be reflected in your roster of entries immediately upon confirmation by you. Any interpretation or assigning of time stamp authorization will be under the sole discretion of Sole Survivor, and can be done with or with out the notification of the contestant.

The First WEEK of the Regular Season can be left blank or you can make a selection of your choice. If your WEEK 1 Selection loses in week 1, it will not be considered a loss. You will be allocated the WEEK 1 ADMIN Pick selection. The week 1 admin pick will then not be available for you to use the remainder of the contest. However if you made a selection week 1 and your selection won, then you retain that selection as your pick and the admin pick assigned to everyone else is still a selection you can use in any of the other weeks of the contest. The admin pick is a variable entity in the numerous versions of the contest….Hockey, Football and Baseball.

11. The online services are optional and are not a requirement of entry. A computer with internet access is required to use the contest website. The online service centre will grant access to all contestants who have chosen the option to have online convenience.

12. The decisions of the contest organizers will be final on all matters of fact, interpretation, eligibility, procedure and fulfillment. Sole Survivor Pools reserves the right to change or modify these rules and regulations or any other procedure or application during the course of the contest without prior notification. Revision and date of revision must accompany an modification or changes and will be represented on the website within 24hours of the change or modification.

13. All support services will be conducted via the websites. The FAQ, and email support via the website will accommodate all inquires. If there is an answer that can not be addressed via the websites, then please contact the support centre at or Please be specific in your question and state your username, email address and entry ID number for assistance in identifying your issue. Our email support service will make every effort to contact you within 6 to 24hours with a reply or request for further information. In some instances that time frame may be longer, but every effort will be made to respond immediately. There is no telephone support via our offices at Sole Survivor Pools, CI Fantasy Sports, and Sports Business Interactive LLC. All phone inquiries may or may not be answered, and will be done so at the discretion of Sole Survivor Pools, CI Fantasy Sports, and, Sports Business Interactive LLC.

 14. No purchase necessary to enter. To enter and play without the online services, each entry must follow the following steps to ensure their participation in the contest:

A. You must send your Name, address, phone number and email address with a unique username (must be 20 Characters in length, and unique password (must be at least 10 characters) to: CI Fantasy Sports  Attn: “Year” “League” Sole Survivor Pool, PO Box 70005, RPO Kenaston Blvd, Winnipeg , Manitoba, Canada, R3P 0X6. It is your responsibility to have this in before the registration deadline. Express post service (courier service) is a requirement for time and date guarantee delivery. Regular postal service submissions may not be accepted.

B. Along with your entry information you must submit the correct answer to the following mathematical equation of 2000 plus 86 minus 654 divided by 8 and multiply by 13. The answer and an outline of how you will meet the weekly selection requirements need to be delivered by the registration deadline. Weekly pick selections must be delivered by the “Pick Selection Time” each week on the “Pick Selection Day”. Regular Postal Services may or may not meet your timing consideration.

C. Each week, you must deliver your selection to us at the CI Fantasy Sports address as listed above, (No Personal Hand delivered packages). Each entry must be in a separate envelope. You must include your username, password and your weekly pick. Each weeks pick must be sent separately and must not arrive more than a week in advance of that week’s selection deadline. Selections must meet the same “Pick Selection Time” “Pick Selection Day” criteria for delivery each week as is required as part of the online selection process. Only one entry per priority courier delivery (Federal Express, DHL, and Purolator courier are preferred agents).

To get a status update of your FREE entry, you must send and provide a self addressed stamped envelope with a $5.00 payment to request a report on how your individual entries are doing. Each entry requires a $5.00 money order, and a separate self-addressed stamped envelope to return this report to you.

The final standings will be made available via the website approx. 30 days from completion of the contest for General Public Access.

Sole Survivor Pools, CI Fantasy Sports, and Sports Business interactive LLC., reserve the right to disqualify any entry that has been incorrectly completed, illegible to transcribe, or does not meet any of the requirements outlined in these rules and regulations. All entries received become the property of Sole Survivor Pools. This contest is run under the Terms of Service and Privacy statement outlined on our website and are considered accepted and acknowledged as part of your registration and playing any contest with us.

15. By entering this contest you acknowledge acceptance of all contest rules and regulations, and agree to be bound by them.

16. Sole Survivor “Sport” “Contest Name” “Contest Year” is Owned and Operated by Sole Survivor Pools an operating entity of Sports Business Interactive LLC., in partnership with CI Fantasy Sports and

Updated:  01-08-2021 21:51 hrs PST.